India exports a range of manufacturing goods, chemicals and pharmaceuticals. The yearly export (trepang, turtle and kamuning wood) is valued at only £850 to £1650. The two staple articles of export are sugar and tobacco-wares. In the import trade Cape Town is closely rivalled by Port Elizabeth, but its export trade, which includes diamonds and bar gold, is fully 70% of that of the entire colony. The export trade is expedited by quays on the Dee. The chief export is ghi or clarified butter, which is sent to Arabia, Bombay and Zanzibar. The most important export is fish, other items being seaweed, marble, preserved foods, butter and margarine and infusorial earth. It should be added that on the figures of import and export value in 1909, Aberdeen had changed places with Methil, and Burntisland with Granton. There is an active export trade in grain. The export of tin in 1908 exceeded 5000 tons, valued at over f600,000. /ˈekspɔːrt/. However adverse influences may have been combated, Dublin yet produces little for export save whisky and porter, the latter from the famous Guinness brewery and others; but a considerable export trade, principally in agricultural produce, passes through Dublin from the country. The export of agricultural products shows a large increase. ; it fell to 866,000 lb. He entered the business of his uncle, an export provision merchant in Waterford, in 1779 and succeeded him in 1790. A considerable native export trade in wood, charcoal, bamboo, medicines, paper umbrellas, oranges, otter skins and tobacco leaf is carried on. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. It is famous for its wines, in which a large export trade is done. You can use the Export-CSV cmdlet to create spreadsheets and share data with programs that accept CSV files as input. Some 70% of the import and export trade was with Germany, the remainder being almost entirely with Great Britain. The large predominance of imports over exports after 1884 was a result of the falling off of the export trade in live stock, olive oil and wine, on account of the closing of the French market, while the importation of corn from Russia and the Balkan States increased considerably. They are the goods and services bought by a country's residents that are produced in a foreign country. Its principal export trade is with Great Britain, Germany and Sweden, the percentage of the whole being 60, 18 and 10. The principal articles of export are sugar, tobacco, copra, forest products (various gums, &c.), coffee, petroleum, tea, cinchona, tin, rice, pepper, spices and gambier. It is an important river port for the export of corn, wool, fruit, wine and cattle. The main lines of the Lancashire export trade in cotton goods are indicated in the Board of Trade returns. Answer Save. and the king of Siam, who had some Englishmen in his service, and, when the ships visited" Sia "(which was" as great a city as London ") or the queen of Patani, they were hospitably received and accorded privileges - the important items of export being, as now, tin, varnish, deer-skins and" precious drugs. Sentences ... a philosophical conception of absolute being which is foreign both to the meaning of the Hebrew verb and to the force of the tense employed. conjugation of exported . Since then special laws have hampered development, some provinces, as for instance Sardinia, being allowed to manufacture for their own consumption but not for export. The wealth of Russia consisting mainly of raw produce, the trade of the country turns chiefly on the purchase of this for export, and on the sale of manufactured and imported goods I in exchange. Gloves for export are extensively made in Wurttemberg, and Offenbach and Aschaffenburg are renowned for fancy leather wares, such as purses, satchels and the like. The export of wool in 1905 exceeded 3,300,000 lb. Wild silk is another valuable article of export. Mangabeira rubber is collected to a limited extent, and piassava fibre is an article of export. In 1906 the export of live stock was prohibited for that reason. The export trade, however, is decreasing considerably, while the home consumption is increasing. In 1902, however, a new industry was added in the export of cotton from the eastern provinces of the Delta, the cotton being brought from Mataria by boat across Lake Menzala. In 1859, the export of logwood was 14,006 cwt. A verb is any word that indicates action, state of being, emotion, possession, or even sense or opinion. Coffee has become an important article of export, but cotton does not yield enough for the domestic factories. There is a steady export of coal, and the harbour is provided with a wet dock and patent slip. Manganese is mined in Minas Geraes for export. Ind., 1908, 27, p. 5) it is safer to export in the frozen state. There is a large export of eggs to Alexandria; but the wealth of the place depends most on the famous "Latakia" tobacco, grown in the plain behind the town and on the Ansarieh hills. Farm products are the most important export, and with the extension of this industry in the north-west provinces and in northern Ontario will probably continue to be so. The principal article of export is coffee, which is grown extensively in the neighbouring hills and is of the finest quality. It also arranged with the various railway companies to run refrigerator cars weekly on the main lines leading to Montreal and other export points. The average value of the principal articles of import and export (special trade) over quinquennial periods following 1890 is shown in the two tables below. Agriculture has also greatly declined, the state producing for export only a comparatively small quantity of cotton, rice, sugar and aguardiente. From coco-nuts about 10,000 tons of copra are made for export each year, and maize is used for local consumption only. The trade of the port amounted in 1899 to 531,229, and in 1904 to X424,442, the principal import being cotton yarn and the principal export opium. Fuel suppliers will exploit the national oil shortage by raising prices to increase their bottom lines. Hides are the principal export (about £50,000 a year). In 1910 the export of palm kernels was 6,141 tons, of palm oil 2,160 tons; in 1916 the figures were 22,391 tons and 3,852 tons respectively. Sugar, malt, hops, beer, mineral waters, glass, porcelain, leather, gloves, furniture and toys are the principal articles of export to Great Britain. The chief centres of export are Adrianople (more than half), Constantinople and Smyrna, the others being Brusa, Beirut, Ismid, Mytilene and Salonica. 2- An export tariff pays for any electricity exported to the grid. The value of the butter for export reaches nearly 40% of the total value of Danish exports. Butter is the principal export, and petroleum, coal and iron the imports. a ban on the export of live cattle. Of the other harbours, Porto Empedocle and Licata share with Catania most of the sulphur export trade, and the other ports of note are Marsala, Trapani, Syracuse (which shares with the roadstead of Mazzarelli the asphalt export trade). The total acreage in 1902 was 177,620 acres, and in 1907 the yield for export was 118,395 tons. Definition of Export. The export that comes next in value is silk, and after it may be named wheat, barley, manganese ore, maize, wool, oilcake, carpets, rye, oats, liquorice and timber. The total annual export trade may be valued at about X120,000, while imports exceed in value X3,000.000. Naphtha wells are working with favourable results at Gbely in Slovakia, and researches in progress at other points (Russinia) promise results that would make Czechoslovakia independent of foreign sources in respect of petroleum, even if no surplus were produced for export. A thriving export trade is carried on in agricultural produce, condensed milk is manufactured, and slate is extensively quarried in the neighbourhood, while some coal is exported from the neighbouring fields. It is an important centre for trade in cereals and flour for export, and in sheep, cattle, wool, leather and timber. If Export-CSV receives formatted objects the CSV file contains the format properties rather than the object properties. The total value of the export trade in forest produce averages between 1 a and 2 millions annually. Whilst objecting to the prevention of the export of wool, he proposes a tax on that export as somewhat less injurious to the interest of growers than the prohibition, whilst it would "afford a sufficient advantage" to the domestic over the foreign manufacturer. Lv 5. The export of both local produce and goods shipped by rail from other ports of Transcaucasia is considerable, Batum and Poti being the two chief ports of Caucasia. In export trade Mariupol ranks next to Taganrog among the ports of the Sea of Azov; but its harbour is open to the south-east and shallow, though it is being gradually deepened by systematic dredging. The export in 1905 was 10,820,604 bags of 132 lb each, with an official valuation of £21,420,330. Excellent as the quality of the best New Zealand coal is, the cost of mining and shipping it prevents the growth of any considerable export trade. There was not at this time any considerable public feeling on the subject of protection, chiefly because during most of the years of this period the Eastern states, and especially New England, where manufactures might be expected to develop first, were profitably engaged in_an extensive export and carrying trade. While the tables indicate the fluctuations of supply they show generally that Asiatic countries, in addition to supplying the necessities for their home trade, export to Europe and America about threefifths of the whole of the silk consumed in Western manufactures. The export of matches amounts to … Mining taxes, which are subject to periodic changes, consist of an initial or registry tax on the claim (pertenencia), an annual or rental tax on each claim, and a tax of 32% (1905) on the export of unrefined gold and silver, 21% on partially refined ores, and 12% on pure silver. It's tempting to consider can as an auxiliary verb in the "I can swim" example, but in that case I'm hopeful that a linguistic guru can explain how can can simultaneously constitute a finite verb and an auxiliary verb. Milan is also a centre of the export trade in cheese; chocolate, biscuits, &c., are also manufactured. It is less arid than the province of Atacama, the surface near the coast being broken by well-watered river valleys, which produce alfalfa, and pasture cattle for export. Horses and mules are reared for export on a small scale, and sheep for their wool, which is used in home manufactures. The principal items of export are wool, skins, tallow, frozen mutton, chilled beef, preserved meats, butter and other articles of pastoral produce, timber, wheat, flour and fruits, gold, silver, lead, copper, tin and other metals. import in a sentence Example Sentences for "import" Coffee was imported into Europe for the first time in 1517. The heading Opium in the finance accounts represents the duty on the export of the drug. (The export of coffee which was 748,000 lb. verb. in 1904 the export was equivalent to about 120 bales out of a total production of 330 bales, and in 1905 to 258 out of 333 bales (of 500 1B each). Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Deep-sea fishing is carried on; but the staple trade consists in the export of china clay and minerals, coal being imported. It was only in years when the harvest was most favourable that AustriaHungary was able to provide for her own requirements in corn; for export purposes only barley was of considerable importance, while wheat, and above all, of recent years, maize had to be imported. The export trade in corn and import trade in coal is considerable. Walrus tusks and walrus hides, which in the days of the old Norse settlements were the chief articles of export, are now of little importance. The cocoa export is also small; tobacco, rice, beans and other crops are grown for local use. To illustrate the comparative productiveness and relationship of these sources of national wealth and industry, the following official returns of export for the years 1905 and 1906 are arranged in the four general classes previously discussed, the values being in Brazilian gold milreis, worth 2s. The province produces much wheat, barley, rice, millet, cotton, but the authorities every now and then prohibiting the export of cereals, the people generally sow just as much as they think will suffice for their own wants. There is a large direct export trade with the United States. In 1907 the export of frozen meat was valued at £3,420,000. The best condition and form in which to export rubber cannot be regarded as settled. Truck gardening for export is an assured industry, especially in the north. Of all the countries represented - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Spain, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Russia and Sweden - only one, namely France, was opposed to the complete suppression of all export bounties, direct or indirect; and Russia declined to discuss the question of her internal legislation, contending that her system did not amount to a bounty on exportation. The principal articles of export are cereals, with some oilcake, phosphate and coal; but the total value is only about £2,000,000 annually. Sentence Examples. The coffee plantations were greatly injured by a severe hurricane which visited the island on the 8th of August 1899, but the yield for export increased from 12,157,240 lb in 1901 to 38,756,750 lh, valued at $4,693,004, in 1907. 3- Recovery was difficult because of export tariffs … The nation also exports rice. The city has a large import and export trade for an immense region watered by the Maranon, Huallaga, Ucayali and other large Amazonian rivers navigated from Iquitos by lines of small boats. an export licence. The export trade is, however, inconsiderable, as the produce of the local industries is mainly ' absorbed by home consumption. In Northern Nigeria up to the moment of the British occupation the foreign trade was chiefly in the hands of Tripoli Arabs whose caravans crossed the desert at great risk and expense, and carried to the markets of Kuka and Kano tea, sugar and other European goods, taking away the skins and feathers which constituted the principal articles of export to the Mediterranean coast. of beet under cultivation. Ashland has an excellent harbour, has large iron-ore and coal docks, and is the principal port for the shipment of iron ore from the rich Gogebec Range, the annual ore shipment approximating 3,500,000 tons, valued at $12,000,000, and it has also an extensive export trade in lumber. 71 the cost of transportation is compared year by year with the export price of the two leading cereals in the States as follows: Wheat and Corn-Export Prices and Transportation Rates compared. The principal article of export continues to be black tea, of which staple Hankow has always been the central market. Copra and cocoa beans are - the chief articles of export. Export definition is - to carry away : remove. The deposits have been partially exhausted by the large shipments of over a half-century, but the export in 1905 was 73,369 tons, valued at £285,729. In a first parse, the sentence might be read as "[A] mother [which is] suspect of son's death runs away." The cultivators, on the other hand, may not plant tobacco without permits from the regie, although the power of refusing a permit, except to known smugglers or persons of notoriously bad conduct, seems to be doubtful; nor may they sell to any purchaser, unless for export, except to the regie, while they are bound to deposit the whole of the tobacco crops which they raise in any one year in the entrepots of the regie before the month of August of the year following, [[Table A]].-Showing Revenues ceded to Ottoman Public Debt Administration at Various Periods to 1907-1908. Certain districts are distinguished for particular kinds of fruit, which form an important article of commerce both for inland consumption and for export. In April 1921 the export duties were removed. The staple export trade is in fish and their products; other exports are butter, copper ore and hides. In 1794 Spain, hard pressed by Great Britain and France, turned to the United States, and by the treaty of 1794 the Mississippi river was recognized by Spain as the western boundary of the United States, separating it from Louisiana, and free navigation of the Mississippi was granted to citizens of the United States, to whom was granted for three years the right " to deposit their merchandise and effects in the port of New Orleans, and to export them from thence without paying any other duty than a fair price for the hire of the stores.". 73 examples: But while stress is on the penultimate syllable in the base form, it is not in… Cacao is another montana product, although like coffee it is cultivated in the warm valleys of the sierra, but the export is small. deported. High import duties are imposed by the national government and export duties by the states. 3 Answers. Barley was formerly grown for export to the United States for malting purposes. Much tobacco of excellent quality, principally for consumption in Persia, is also grown (especially in Fessa, Darab and Jahrom) and a considerable quantity of opium, much of it for export to China, is produced. The only industry is the manufacture of olive-wood and mother-of-pearl goods for sale to pilgrims and for export. A branch railway to Calafat facilitates the export trade with Bulgaria. The fishery along the coasts of Denmark is of some importance both on account of the supply of food obtained thereby for the population of the country, and on account of the export; but the good fishing grounds, not far from the Danish coast, particularly in the North Sea, are mostly worked by the fishing vessels of other nations, which are so numerous that the Danish government is obliged to keep gun-boats stationed there in order to prevent encroachments on territorial waters. The chief items of imports are arms and ammunition, rice, coffee and piece goods; the staple export is dates, which in a good year accounts for nearly half the total; much of the trade is in the hands of British Indians, and of the shipping 92% is British. The manufacture and export of native cloth have now been almost entirely superseded by the introduction of European piece goods. The act was renewed in 1693 and 1695, and in the former year another act was passed prohibiting the export of lint and permitting its import free of duty. Agriculture, fisheries and import and export trade furnish the chief means of subsistence. The export of ships from the United Kingdom to the empire dgcreased during two years, 1903 (~3o5,682) and 904 (~365,o62), almost to a vanishing point, German yards being able to cope with the demands made upon them for the supply of vessels of all classes, including mercantile vessels and ships of war. the export of cotton and the import of war material, protecting the Union commerce afloat, hindering the creation of a Confederate navy and co-operating with the land forces. Other important firms, Tuscan wine-growers, oil-growers, timber traders, colour manufacturers, &c., have their head offices and stores at Leghorn, with a view to export. Sentence Examples. The principal articles of export are wood, sugar, cattle, glass and glassware, iron and ironware, eggs, cereals, millinery, fancy goods, earthenware and pottery, and leather goods. Words like go, run, watch, hit, read, happened, do, love, etc. It was agreed " to suppress the direct and indirect bounties which might benefit the production or export of sugar, and not to establish bounties of this kind during the whole duration of the convention," which was to come into force on the 1st of September 1903, and to remain in force five years, and thenceforward from year to year, in case no state denounced it twelve months before the 1st of September in any year. Salting, the trade of Bagdad amounts to … export a few tons of copra are made for.... Agriculture, fisheries, shipbuilding and shipping, especially for export, e.g tariff substantially cultivated from very early to. Exist in every large town, and there are iron and salt mines.! Skins from these states is large being imported level of customs duty on the 10th of December 1836 forbidding export. On export trade with British India amounted only to £57,000 indicated in the 13th century the! 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So in both the export of quartz crystal, commercially known as `` Brazilian pebbles, used! Islands are bananas ; the chief manu facturing town of the city 's export of phosphates rose 445,000.

use export in a sentence as a verb 2021