Campbell’s Dwarf hamsters are a smaller species of hamsters which are half the size of the Syrian hamsters. Nuts contain low saturated fats and no cholesterol, which is very good for your pet’s health. Hamsters aren’t the only child eaters: Polar bears, burying beetles, wolf spiders, and sand goby fish (among others) also practice infant cannibalism. When it comes to feeding nuts to your little hamsters, you can never be too safe! They should only be given on occasion or as a special treat. Since your hamsters are tiny creatures and cannot digest a very high-fat diet, you should be very careful with the number of cashews you are feeding your hamsters. Keep in mind that if your hamster is already a little on the fatter side, it is best that you don’t feed them cashews at all, as it can only make them gain more weight and bring along with it other health issues as well. The main concern when you think about feeding nuts to your hamster is that they contain a high amount of fats, but fats can be of two kinds: saturated and unsaturated. Kaytee Healthy Bits: Kaytee Healthy Bits provide a crunch y, fun-to-eat treat for your lovely Hamster … In particular, their acidic, water, sugar, fat, salt, calcium, and phosphorus content is of particular interest as far as hamsters are concerned. Niacin (B3) (7%) 1.062 mg Polyunsaturated 7.845 g Hammies can eat some types of nuts, and I’m going to help you identify them right here. These hamsters cannot digest a very high-fat diet, so you have to be very careful when feeding cashew nuts to these dwarf hamsters. It’d be busy and happy cracking the nutshells for its yummy reward. Can Hamsters Eat Grains, Nuts, and Seeds? Finally, magnesium has its benefits in managing the heart health of your hamsters and also aiding calcium and magnesium absorption in their bodies. Among the types of nuts the ones that are the most popular are Brazil nuts, cashews, almonds, chestnuts, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, pistachios and walnuts but there are even more varieties out there. Why Is My Hamster’s Food Bowl Always Empty. Vitamin E is perfect for boosting the immunity of your hamsters. Riboflavin (B2) (5%) 0.058 mg However, it is essential to note that you can only feed cashews to your little hamsters in moderation. Keep your hamsters on a healthy diet of exceptional hamster food and allow them these occasional treats in moderation. Vitamin E (6%) 0.90 mg Your hamsters are very prone to developing obesity and diabetes, which brings along with them another array of health issues. You should also steer clear of raw cashews, as these are toxic not only for your little hamsters but also for humans! Feeding nuts to hamsters: You can feed almost all kind of nuts to hamsters' including walnuts, peanuts and almonds. Hamsters thrive on a high variety diet. You should also steer clear of raw cashews, as these are toxic not … Get them as plain as possible. These hamsters live in jungles and deserts and have a very varied diet. Let’s take a look and find out more. Carbohydrates As for your Syrian hamsters and Robowski hamsters, they can eat about one or two pieces of unsalted pistachio nuts just about once a week. Iron is essential for your hamster’s body as it helps in boosting the hemoglobin and also in encouraging a healthy and robust immune system in your hamsters. What Kind Of Nuts Can Hamsters Eat? Others types of nuts that hamsters can eat include peanuts, cashews, pecans, hazelnuts and pistachios. Also, you should avoid feeding raw cashews to your hamsters, as they are toxic for them. What can hamsters eat? Can rats eat cereal? Zinc (61%) 5.78 mg Vitamin K is vital for bone metabolism in hamsters. Can Hamsters Eat Raisins? Why Does My Hamster Make A Clicking Noise? Hamsters are versatile and can eat diverse varieties of food, but on average, they don’t need much, and you can nurture them in full health in an affordable way. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, C, E, K 7. Winter whites dwarf hamsters are another species of tiny dwarf hamsters. Nuts with shells are not only healthy with proteins but can provide an entertainment factor for your pet. Tomato leaves: These are toxic to hamsters. It is crucial that you feed cashews to your hamsters in moderation only. It is a new thing for any new pet hamster owner to learn about What can hamsters eat?. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'onlinehamstercare_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',321,'0','0']));In particular, their acidic, water, sugar, fat, phosphorus, salt, and calcium content is of interest as far as hamsters are concerned. Can rats eat almonds? Yes, these are good for your hamsters. Rabbits. Magnesium (82%) 292 mg You can feed your Chinese hamsters cashews but only in moderation, as they are very susceptible to developing obesity and diabetes from a high-fat diet. These hamsters love to eat foods, especially little treats, so cashews can be a tasty treat for them in moderation. Give hamsters a half-teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of vegetables, fruit or other treats two or three times per week. Syrian hamsters can eat a wide variety of fruit, vegetables, salad, nuts, meat & herbs as part of a balanced healthy diet, below is a comprehensive list of safe food for Syrian hamsters. In other words, hamsters are omnivorous and need a varied diet to stay healthy. A total of 2-4 nuts can be fed per month and the servings are given after assuming that, that is the only seed being given in that particular month. © What to feed hamsters (in general) Usually a hamster’s diet consists of grains and grain-based foods (with lots of fiber), a bit of veggies, some fruits, and some protein whenever the hamster can find a bit. The man who introduced hamsters to the United States. When you are buying store-purchased cashews, look for the unsalted variety only, and break up the cashew nut into pieces before you give it to your hamster as a treat. Let’s go ahead. Even though hamsters like to eat different types of food, some of them can be harmful for these animals. Broccoli is a Dwarf Hamster Favorite. Note: The first 10 seeds of the list can be either fed dry or can be mixed into the daily diet of the hamster.It is always advisable to feed 2-3 types of seeds in a combination for holistic nutritional growth. Give your Robowski hamsters one piece of cashew just once a week. Of course, Vitamin E also contributes to the right eye health of your hamsters, preventing blurry vision and loss of eyesight. However, Winter white dwarf’s, Chinese, and Russian Campbell dwarf hamsters cannot eat cashews. What others treats can I give my hamster? 5.91 g Folate (B9) (6%) 25 μg 53 kcal 2. Yes, hamsters can eat almonds in small amounts . We’ll be looking at how much your pet can eat and the benefits and risks of including monkey nuts into your hamsters diet. Nothing more as too many can cause health issues for these types of hamsters. These hamsters can digest cashews, but only in moderation. As these hamsters are very prone to developing diabetes and obesity, you should be very careful when you are feeding them a high-fat treat like cashews. Vitamins lactose Sodium (1%) 12 mg A wild hamster’s diet is made of vegetables, roots, some nuts, insects and even small lizards when they can catch them. When it comes to the health risks of feeding cashews to your little hamsters, the main concern is with the high levels of fat in cashews. With the exception of any salted nuts. Phosphorus (85%) 593 mg Hamsters can be fed a wide array of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and even some meats, as mentioned in detail below. Vit D (0%) 0 μg They can be a delicious snack for your pet, as long as they are fed in moderation. 43.85 g Can hamsters eat pistachio nutshells? When giving almonds to your hamster, you should avoid tuts that have been flavored or salted in any way. The cashews sold in stores are generally considered safe—they are nontoxic—but it is worth noting that completely raw cashews are toxic to humans and to hamsters. They help keep teeth healthy and satisfy the need to chew. 4.42 grams of sugar 4. Smaller hamsters should consume fewer grape pieces while larger hamsters can eat more,” said Olivia Petritz, DVM, DACZM, and avian and exotics specialist at Advanced Critical Care and Emergency Specialty Services (ACCESS). It can be a fantastic snack for them that they will enjoy. Hamsters eat about 2 teaspoons of food a day, including hamster pellets. - Pantothenic acid (B5) 30.19 g They can’t have too many though due to their fat and acidic content. This article will be delving deep into this topic. 6.5 grams of dietary fiber 6. Here is a comprehensive list of food that your dwarf hamsters would be able to eat without any risks to their health. 18.22 g Water 5.20 g. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'onlinehamstercare_com-box-4','ezslot_2',261,'0','0']));As you can see, cashews contain a hint of salt, quite a bit of water and sugar, a lot of acidic content, and fat.. Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz) SO here’s a safe list of nuts for your hamster: peanuts; pecans; pistachios; walnuts; pine nuts; cashews; hazelnuts; sunflower seeds; pumpkin seeds; Now these all need to be unsalted, unsweetened, unseasoned in any way. In their natural habitat, hamsters feed on nuts, grains, bits of fruits and vegetables laying on the ground, etc. Dietary fiber 3.3 g Required fields are marked *, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Copyright © 2020 Hamster Care. Hamsters. You can find these sweet little treats right on Amazon or even in your local pet store. 2.723825754693 year ago, - Along with that, you can also give them occasional treats, which include small pieces of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and leaves. A Comprehensive Guide to the Chinese Hamster, A Comprehensive Guide to the Roborovski Hamster. However, more than a little bit of cheese can cause some health issues in hamsters. This means that Syrian and Roborovski hamsters can eat cashews. Almonds, as discussed above, contains cyanide and can cause death to hamsters. Let’s take a look at their nutritional data and find out more. The good news is that hamsters can absolutely eat monkey nuts! Yes, hamsters can eat cheese, but only in small amounts. Give your Campbell’s dwarf hamsters just half a cashew about once in ten days only. Unwashed fruits or vegetables: Because of pesticides, unwashed fruits and vegetables pose a danger to your hamster. In moderation! They can't really eat nuts (too much fat and protein) but if they accidently eat one ie: A house rabbit... Can rabbits eat pistachio nuts? Nuts can be an excellent snack for humans, but the high-fat content in them does not make them the best kind of treat for hamsters regularly. The benefits of Vitamin B in cashews is that they have a direct impact on the brain function, energy levels, and the cell metabolism of your little hamsters. Just one or two on an occasional basis would suffice for them. Your email address will not be published. Energy 553 kcal (2,310 kJ) Fruit hamsters can eat include apples, blueberries, plums, figs, strawberries, bananas, cut grapes and pears. Thiamine (B1) (37%) 0.423 mg Nuts and peanuts are welcome too.. That being said, most commercial hamster foods have a healthy mix of all food sources. 2.7224489789447 year ago, - The nuts itself do not contain any salt, but these shells contain a lot of salt, which is not ideal for your hamster. It is recommended not to feed the nutshells to your little ones as the packed pistachios often come with salt on the shells. Rabbits. Well it means that hamsters can use the vitamins a… Your hamsters can eat the occasional roasted cashews, but they absolutely cannot eat salted cashews. Sugars Manganese (79%) 1.66 mg So can hamsters eat pistachios? Vitamin K (32%) 34.1 μg Despite the sugar content, even the dwarf hamsters can eat raisins but they are not indicated to have one due to their susceptibility to diabetes. Potassium (14%) 660 mg Sugary products: Hamsters may choose to eat these empty calories instead of their healthier foods, and excess can lead to diabetes. If you are wondering ‘can hamsters eat cashews,’ then the answer is yes, hamsters can eat cashews! Yes, surely, they can eat raisins keeping in mind that they are fed in moderation. All rights reserved. Give your Winter whites dwarf hamsters just half a cashew once in ten days. Hamsters are well-known pets, and by that time they got so popular in many countries like the USA and Canada. With hamsters though, the main difference is that due to their size these can be quite a big boost in fat and thus they should be kept as a treat instead of putting them in their regular diet. From the details above you can tell that pecans contain little sugar and water and a lot of fat, acidic and phosphorus content. Fruit and vegetables are with some exceptions a good and healthy choice that add antioxidants and healthy fats to a diet. If you want to feed cashews to your Syrian hamsters, you can give them one piece of cashew broken into two halves just about once a week, due to the high-fat content in these nuts. With all of the benefits that come from almonds, you may be wondering: Can hamsters eat almonds? What this means is that Roborovski and Syrian hamsters can eat one or two pecans at a time and on rare occasion. Your smaller hamster species such as Campbell’s dwarf hamsters, Winter White’s dwarf hamsters, and Chinese hamsters can eat just one piece of unsalted pistachio nuts only about once in 7 to 10 days. Some minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc So what does all these nutritional facts mean for a hamster? At the end of the article, we will also include a FAQ section to answer some commonly asked questions. In this article, we are going to explore what fruit can hamsters eat and what fruits are not suitable for them and that’s why you should not feed them. This article will be looking at the benefits and risks of feeding your hamster walnuts, as well as letting you know the recommended quantity that you should feed them. 2.7210771816337 year ago, - Vitamin B12 (0%) 0 μg They are a popular snack that is eaten either on their own, or with different flavorings added to them. Most nuts can be fed with the shells on, as hamsters' love to spend time trying to get at the inner and edible part of the nut. The answer is yes, hamsters can eat small amounts of cashews on occasion. They may also consume small insects, like crickets and fruit flies. Monounsaturated 23.797 g Nuts Shelled Almonds Beechnuts Brazil Nuts Cashews Hazel Nuts Pecans Peanuts Pistachios Sweet Chestnuts... What Kind Of Nuts Can Rabbits Eat? Your email address will not be published. Source: Hamster Hideout. While nuts like almonds and sunflower seeds are fine for your rat, they are high in fats. Your domestic hamsters have a far more balanced and nutritious diet as compared to these wild hamsters. However, it is essential to note that you can only feed cashews to your little hamsters in moderation. The occasional piece of cheese makes for a great hamster snack that's hard to resist. Vitamin B6 (32%) 0.417 mg Owners of pet hamsters should rely on high-quality commercial hamster pellets to provide their pet with a balanced nutrition. However, unless you pick cashews on your own, you will probably never come across any raw ones! Therefore, a healthy blend of nuts, grains, fruits, and vegetables make up the diet of a wild hamster. ... Grains, Seeds, & Nuts; Whole grains make for a great healthy snack for dwarf hamsters. 11.94 grams carbohydrates 3. Yes, Hamsters can enjoy cheese chews. These tree nuts are loaded with healthy fats, antioxidants, manganese, magnesium, and vitamin E. They're also just ridiculously good-tasting! You can feed your Syrian and Robowski hamsters one piece of cashew once a week. Hamsters eat a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, grains, seeds, nuts, some meats, eggs and even a few insects. Vitamin C (1%) 0.5 mg It is best that you do not feed the cashew shells to your hamsters as they contain ingredients which can be toxic for these little creatures. There are several species of wild hamsters existing all over the world. Starch 0.74 g 0.00 g All rights reserved. Cashews contain Vitamin B, Vitamin K, and Vitamin E. along with that; it also has iron and magnesium. If you are wondering ‘can hamsters eat cashews,’ then the answer is yes, hamsters can eat cashews! They have too much sugar content in them, and as these species of hamster are prone to diabetes, cashews will harm them if eaten. Other constituents Give your Chinese hamsters one-half piece of cashew nut just once in ten days. Well, this can be quite tricky, as cashews can be a great treat for your little hamsters, but only as long as you feed them in moderation. Cashews are a popular nut that are eaten around in the world in many different culinary situations. 0.65 grams fat 5. Robowski hamsters are a larger species of hamsters which are very similar to Syrian hamsters. Fat Can hamsters eat Almonds? Before we can answer this question we should look a bit more into the nutritional value that raspberries provide. In case your hamsters are already a little on the heavy side, it is probably best not to feed them a big fat treat like cashews. What about nuts and seeds? The hamsters feed on vegetables, leaves, stalks, nuts, grains, plants, berries, fruits, and sometimes, even small insects, frogs, and lizards! (17%) 0.86 mg Too many will make them sick. Iron (51%) 6.68 mg The male sand goby fish is responsible for raising the young that he produces with two females at a time—but he’ll eat up to one-third of the eggs before they’ve hatched. However, Winter white dwarf’s, Chinese, and Russian Campbell dwarf hamsters cannot eat cashews. The good news is that, yes, hamsters can absolutely eat walnuts! Not only are hamsters quite fond of broccoli, the veggie can … Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz) Energy 2,351 kJ (562 kcal) Carbohydrates 27.51 g Just make sure that they don’t have any flavorings or salt added to them. They have too much sugar content in them, and as these species of hamster are prone to diabetes, cashews will harm them if eaten. Depending on your hamster’s strength they might not be able to crack it open so feel free to offer them a little health and give them a half-opened walnut shell. SAFE FOOD FOR SYRIAN HAMSTERS. You should regularly feed your hamsters exceptional hamster food which you will find in pet stores. If you have to give cashews to your hamsters, make sure that they are unsalted only. Lastly, your Chinese hamsters are also a kind of dwarf hamster species which make fantastic pets. Protein Dwarf hamsters can eat a variety of food but some are safer than most. Calcium (4%) 37 mg The reason why they should be fed in moderation is that they contain sugar in them. Syrian hamsters are a large species of desert hamsters which make lovely pets for hamster lovers. A serving of 100 grams provides the following: 1. Here is everything you need to know about feeding cashews to your little hamsters. Saturated 7.783 g However, when it comes to your Campbell’s dwarf hamsters, winter whites dwarf hamsters and Chinese hamsters, you should stick to just half a piece of cashew once in ten days. 2.7265677638255 year ago. 2.7251971397768 year ago, - They are made with nuts, seeds, veggies, and of course, real cheese flavor to keep your hammy satisfied, even on non-treat days. 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can hamsters eat cashews 2021