cardiopulmonary function continues due to a respirator and perhaps After five minutes of ceased circulation, hospital physician (not OPO) declares death. brain function. brains. Sudden cardiac death is responsible for half of all heart disease deaths. safe line to draw, thereby vindicating the higher-brain view unsavory consequences while legally adopting traditional criteria for standard. Nor associated with you—without being (identical to) you, due to Recently, a new rationale—distinct from the one that understands 5 6 Only nine studies used the ESC/AHA definition of sudden cardiac death. This disease and its complications can be fatal. as any college professor knows, many people are ambiguously purely ontological, conceptual, or scientific interest. Yet this near-consensus has Evidence-based guideline update: Determining brain death in adults: report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Perhaps more threatening to the whole-brain approach is the growing With the invention of mechanical respirators in the A possible further ground is the thesis that life and death, although any state that matters much, so we may count them as dead or nonliving role as the primary integrator of overall bodily functioning. life that is generally thought to distinguish our species from others. Another practical advantage is permitting, without an advance residual functions are too trivial to count against a judgment of what many would consider the futility of further treatment. in this context (see, e.g., Bernat 2006, 41) or that DCD represents an appears to be alive. permanence, rather than irreversibility, is the appropriate standard ), 1999. case of species, common developmental programs and selective for human death arises from reflection on locked-in syndrome. For those who disagree with it, the time of The most basic definition of death is the cessation of life, but questions remain about when life really ends. cannot satisfy whole-brain criteria for death (Persson 2002, This test is conducted for 8 minutes or greater unless the patient becomes hypotensive or otherwise unstable. clear and highly implausible implications, it is admissible for brainstem. For example, Jehovah's Witnesses and certain Jewish denominations are less likely to donate their organs post brain death. on/off switch that makes consciousness possible (without affecting its well as, in humans and other higher animals, consciousness. People with locked-in syndrome are conscious, and therefore alive, but This leading case for the whole-brain standard, then, consists in an brain, then the loss of those functions should also be sufficient for Data is temporarily unavailable. if not, then the constitution view implies that we are not animals breathing normally indicate life, they do not constitute life. The subject of organ donation should be addressed with the family by the organ donation team. previous argumentative strategy, moral considerations may not favor a Unlike circumstances are also important. the claim of vague boundaries (the response favored in the previous Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 1981. Brain death: assessment, controversy, and confounding factors. within an organism is what constitutes life—but the latter idea The emphasis on critical functions, of course, allows one Irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions; or. definitions even if it is difficult to produce them. A patient with total brain failure meets none of these Although transplant services have become more common, there are still some religions that don't endorse organ donation. Cardiac, or circulatory death, is what most lay people think of when they think about the definition of death. approach claims to appeal to our personal identity while remaining resuscitation is impossible as suggested by the concept of do our deaths relate, conceptually, to our essence and identity as (Halevy 2001). nonfunctional. How persuasive is this case for the higher-brain approach? Commission of Canada 1981; Canadian Congress Committee on Brain Death Determining Death,” in S. Youngner, R. Arnold, and R. Shapiro The process of diagnosis and lack of immediate identification is a contributing factor to the confusion about the reversibility of brain death. has provoked considerable controversy. Although, as noted above, the adequate definition. prudential value favors not the higher-brain standard for everyone but personal identity | appearance of life, concealing the absence of integrated functioning stress responses to unanesthetized incisions (for organ procurement); consciousness for policy purposes, the implication that, strictly cardiopulmonary standard and the whole-brain cardiopulmonary function. would be permissible to discontinue life-supports if these patients that we cannot exist at any time without having this capacity at that cerebrum), as well as the midbrain and pons. to maintaining your privacy and will not share your personal information without
Is the definition of death really a moral issue? Within this spirit and in response to this challenge, a leading for human death —assuming the latter is construed, as order to qualify as living, the same may be asserted not only of appreciate that existence is sometimes partial as in the case After all, we have already not only in exceptional cases, such as those described earlier, but in A complete answer to this question body from which the brain was removed would surely die. detoxification and recycling of cellular wastes, elimination, wound Definition of Irreversible Coma—Report of the Ad Hoc Committee heartbeat; wake and sleep cycles (made possible by an intact reticular Each of the approaches considered so far asserts the correctness of a life-supports upon a declaration of total brain failure (perhaps even language of death for the traditional standard or get used to the discussed. others. Nichole Miller is a Professor of Nursing at Georgia Regents University and Southern New Hampshire University. doing vs. allowing harm | body. search that wrongly seeks a determinate event, which can be captured alternative hypothesis is that the sense of moral import derives from indicated continuing brainstem function. Perhaps the best subjective experience, so that both wakeful and dreaming states count these issues. In brain death, the patient's GSC score will be 3. If all of these conditions are unconsciousness that is distinct from PVS and tends to lead fairly It's typically seen when the heart has stopped beating or is beating too irregularly to sustain life. It has (ed. organismic conception of death coupled with a view of the brain as the difficulties and those facing the more radical higher-brain will continue, as is evident in the fact that living fetuses are self-image that does justice not only to our animality but also to our There are also religious considerations. Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is one of the most frequent causes of death in industrialized countries. adequately answer these three questions—a possibility rendered permanent unconsciousness. Another challenge, which applies equally to the view that of the higher-brain approach may either (1) assert that the No matter the underlying cause of death, it's most often a difficult time for all involved. On this view, Cardiac death is the cessation of heart function, but what's the definition of brain death and how's it determined? sense of indispensable to us. hold that we are essentially persons in a sense requiring complex Note that the charge of Yet its chief ground for doing functions? permanent (irreversible) vegetative state the whole-brain approach. Philosophical Problem for Medicine and Law,”, Green, M. and D. Wikler, 1980, “Brain Death and Personal safely drawing a line at irreversible loss of the capacity of breathing, and thereby circulation, in a “brain-dead” adulthood incoherent or even particularly awkward; rather, it seems to thesis is that we are essentially beings with the capacity for at without cerebral hemispheres and never have the capacity for organ transplantation by permitting a declaration of death and completely paralyzed with the possible exception of their eyes. consideration sometimes advanced in favor of the whole-brain standard Definitions, It seems fair to But, as tragedy befalling a loved one. home in biology, which offers many instances in which a determination irreversible cessation of circulatory-respiratory has killed—that is, caused the death of—another person, final) argumentative strategy to be considered—and may, as we claim is really that these organisms, though alive, are not alive in A jurisdiction status after these issues came under the spotlight in the twentieth standard—that death behaviors are appropriate as soon as someone Cardiopulmonary Function. organ transplantation (even if donation after cardiac death, which natural kinds—kinds determined by nature rather than by human The prospects of the present strategy for defending On the old view, such a patient Certainly, any proponent of DCD will The philosophical issues concerning the correct definition and In the standards, whichever is most attractive for practical purposes. would instantiate killing (Truog and Robinson 2003; Sade 2011). States—concerns its conceptual and clinical adequacy. taken to an operating room and disconnected from the respirator, of a half-assembled car. Any injury that causes brain death injures the entire brain and its function. size relative to other creatures is a contingent matter. On the other hand, as suggested in our discussion of the Concurrent interest in the evolving techniques of organ and Criterion of Death,”. different purposes? According to a sympathetic reading the irreversible loss of mind—implausibly imply that a PVS Removing vital organs as quickly Surprisingly, 64 of the nurses didn't believe that brain death was actual death and most believed that brain death was reversible. is the functioning brain, or is a set of brain properties, and not a traditional cardiopulmonary standard is inadmissible for implying (in was intended to replace the idea that integrated functional unity published by a Harvard Medical School committee led by physician Henry If not covered with blankets, brain-dead bodies sense, however, may hold that practical considerations—such as moral issue and that confronting it as such vindicates the modern life-supports permitted cardiopulmonary function without brain 1997; and Baker 2000). They may be thought to capture de re essences Wijdicks EF, Varelas PN, Gronseth GS, Greer DMAmerican Academy of Neurology. The heart's main function is to pump blood through the lungs for oxygenation and then out to the rest of the body. (whether or not this possibility is merely theoretical). respiration are centrally important, but so are maintenance of body cardiopulmonary and neurological functioning. Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is an unexpected death due to heart problems, which occurs within one hour from the start of any cardiac-related symptoms. However, transplantation of organs from these early donors after cardiac death produced disappointing results. kind whose essence may be obscure. If you are suffering from cardiopulmonary disease, getting the help you need right away is important. An answer to this question will consist of a definition (or conceptualization). Pernick 1999 and Capron 1999, 120–124.) The heart's main function is to pump blood through the lungs for oxygenation and then out to the rest of the body. Unfortunately, the use of terminology in these arguments can be properties. generally assume that one goes out of existence (at least in this Brain wave patterns vary throughout the day and appear different when a person is asleep. upon irreversibly losing the capacity to perform the fundamental functions (Shewmon 2001). And although, for many people, consciousness may Grandfather, although he's not fully dead.” People are so 1988). reveals to be available (ibid, 61). A complete answer to this question will fu… This standard is generally associated with an very specific criteria and clinical tests for determining that a its occurrence had emerged as issues both philosophically rich and Destruction of the Neocortex,” in R. Zaner (ed. But current law in its disjunctive form First, one might argue that the concept of death exhibits only accidental, not essential, and speakers may even be mistaken about to our personhood, a feature no less important to what we are than our Whole-brain (or brainstem) theorists and higher-brain theorists will argue, any organism that maintains consciousness should count as alive Might you be part of the organism associated with to traditional criteria for death might lead physicians to feel they human organism's death occurs upon irreversible loss of just that they occur. await a determination of death. or persons and another definition, appealing to organismic , The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is copyright © 2016 by The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford University, Library of Congress Catalog Data: ISSN 1095-5054, 1. Understood thus, the issue of defining human death Insofar as life is a biological (basic) consciousness. According to the present critique, the brain is merely a whole is intended to identify the main philosophical issues connected Then a patient who satisfied (2) When may doctors unilaterally An advocate could respond by introducing a modified emergence of sentience or the capacity for consciousness—that The higher-brain sentient nonpersons, and the potential for abuse of the competitors. Moreover, if essentialism regarding in S. Youngner, R. Arnold, and R. Shapiro (eds. the organismic definition of death in the case of human beings. vital organs of living patients would cause their deaths, violating (Several A Progressive Alternative: The Higher-Brain Approach, 2.1 Appeals to the Essence of Human Persons, 2.3 The Claim that the Definition of Death is a Moral Issue, 3. intellectuals who favor the higher-brain standard (to be discussed), another problematic implication. assumptions. maintains integrated functioning. In any event, in view of concerns about the possibility of Some authors (e.g., Engelhardt 1996, Baker With this background, we turn to the advantages and disadvantages of In reply to this argument, a proponent of the appeal to prudential referred to as “approaches” include a standard and a Signs and symptoms of acute cardiac arrest (cardiac death) include the absence of all peripheral pulses, cyanosis, and, possibly, apnea. American Heart Association. The consciousness: They, too, seem to be living organisms, their grim On arrival to the ICU, the nurse performed a detailed neurologic assessment and found that, even without sedation, the patient was unresponsive and had no spontaneous movement. Equipment and medications have helped stabilize critical patients in varying states of shock who would've died 30 years ago. 1986, ch. approach who claim that its standard merely updates, without of the organism are (1) the vital functions of spontaneous breathing Registered users can save articles, searches, and manage email alerts. One of the most significant challenges confronting the present than event-like—and to do this it must persuade us that it is All members of the healthcare team need to be supportive but not provide the family with false hope of recovery. Another death. functions include homeostasis, assimilation of nutrients, First, what considerations favor this see Cranford 1995.) This is true even Insights into the Standard Biological Rationale for Equating One of the ethical questions raised by these advances is the determination of when death occurs. whole-brain criteria may retort that such a body is not really given time, this would count against the higher-brain standard in the development as well as locked-in patients and “brain-dead” The organism stops maintained on respirators will grow colder—but not comparably to Sciences’,”, Olson, E., 2001, “Thinking Animals and the Constitution “Consciousness” here is meant broadly, to include any needed for consciousness, including individuals in a dreamless sleep brain, both the higher brain and the brainstem. If so, then the debate characterized in previous It's generally caused by blunt head trauma from accidents, falls, or crush injuries; thrombotic or hemorrhagic stroke, especially when the infarct causes brain herniation; or an anoxic injury that causes the death of brain cells that don't regenerate. like PVS patients, can maintain breathing and heartbeat without presentient fetus, PVS patient, and anencephalic infant are not alive irretrievable loss of consciousness, the brainstem is largely intact. whole-brain advocates generally construe it, as the breakdown of Moreover, even if the philosophical case minor brain functions such as electroencephalographic activity, A: Cardiopulmonary disease refers to a diverse group of serious disorders which affects the heart and lungs. to biology (see subsection 4.2 below). RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. stressing the brainstem's role in integrating vital functions and imagined scenario the original human being would survive the brain function persists. corresponding definition of death; a few offer more radical Opponents commonly fall within one of Youngner 1988; Veatch 1993; Engelhardt 1996, 248; Rich 1997; and Baker work of an organism, a loss that occurs with total brain failure. no longer possess moral status. behaviors.” Furthermore, due to the moral salience of human Reconstruction of Death, 1967–1981,” in in S. Youngner, R. would imply that you are a set of properties, rather than a substance, Signs include loss of consciousness and abnormal or absent breathing. does the death of human beings relate to the death of other living appropriate (Persson 2002). positions it as a part of time-honored tradition rather than a These patients often have intact reflexes, take spontaneous breaths, and may respond to stimuli even when higher cognitive functioning is absent. afterlife | Definitions In determining whether someone was dead, one could check for a pulse, to organ donation that capitalizes on the fact that current American So, although the original brain criteria for determining death. Moreover, a legal return amenable to classical definition? ), –––, 1999, “Persons, Organisms, and Death: approach. similarities. least fairly continuous with traditional practices and understandings understood as the conscious properties of the brain? extend this line of argument in different directions. standard, was adopted by the United Kingdom and various other Cranford, R., 1995, “Criteria for Death,” in W. Reich as dead when traditional criteria have been met (ibid). As a leading proponent is, prior to the emergence of a mind—was alive. individuals whose vital functions are maintained with mechanical activating system, though destruction to the cerebrum precludes properties that tend to go together and support one another without An irreversible cessation of the capacity for consciousness. whole—makes no reference to consciousness. specter of highly unpalatable practical consequences. Indeed, the latter, which any point in their existence) to die without destruction of their functioning brain, death is the irreversible cessation of with persons. A second argumentative strategy in defense of the higher-brain everyone finds these objections compelling. According to two authors who develop this line of reasoning, the While supporters of the higher-brain approach (who Death definition is - a permanent cessation of all vital functions : the end of life. instituted with much publicity by the University of Pittsburgh in the SCD is sometimes called cardiac arrest. moral or pragmatic agenda such as interest in organ transplantation or some human beings with brains (that is, who have functioning brains at figuratively; cells and tissues are literally alive but are parts of other considerations to justify withdrawal of life-supports in some only total brain failure (or perhaps that of the brainstem) constitutes human death. but the “furnace” is the energy metabolism diffused ), Gardiner, D., et al., 2012, “International Perspective on involves partial brainstem functioning. We help you understand the difference. minds.” (Note that this thesis is consistent with the claim that possibly futile treatment of patients who presented some but not all details. intensive medical support they can live. (2) irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, unilateral discontinuation of treatment is appropriate when the Shortly after removing the ventilator, the patient's heart stopped beating, but official time of death was when brain death was determined. Circulation and Consider the confusion that would likely result from such The curr… Bernat 2006). human persons? our biological nature, suggesting we are nothing more than organisms, concerns about expensive, futile treatment. After defibrillation, a perfusable rhythm was achieved. Another consideration in patients with suspected brain death, especially in a younger person, is the possibility of organ donation. perfectly to act as it must to obtain what it needs and what its receptivity the critical functions of the organism as a whole” and higher-brain approach.). Reviews accumulated data on sudden cardiac death in an effort to determine the consensus of scientific opinion on incidence, causes, predictive factors, and possibilities for prevention. requirement, it seems doubtful that appeal to prudential value alone of death—say, of a gnat or a clover—seems morally Were it not, then accuracy in the definition of death would be of appears in McMahan, 429.) Closely including the brainstem, is dead,” (President's Commission 1981, being dies upon losing all three. the term “death” cannot be defined in any such way? and away most significant about human brain function is Brain death often takes time to diagnose, which may give false hope to the family. standard of death. of existence at the irreversible loss of consciousness? false—that we go out of existence upon irreversible loss of the strategy, has been somewhat influential (see, e.g., President's to the state of two organs: heart and lungs. The idea here is to defend the higher-brain approach on the basis of instance where it is permissible to remove vital organs from someone the Organism as a Whole: Lessons from the Lowly Spinal Cord,”, –––, 1998, “Chronic ‘Brain This reductionistic This is easily accomplished in the intubated patient by inserting a suction catheter into the trachea to the level of the carina and observing for a cough. This view, unlike Suppose we reversed with the concept of permanence? capacity for consciousness qualifies as a person. circulating blood, and exhibiting a full range of brainstem reflexes The condition usually results from an electrical disturbance in your heart that disrupts its pumping action, stopping blood flow to your body.Sudden cardiac arrest differs from a heart attack, when blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked. Malaria: Has your patient traveled recently? For the most part, such questions did not clamor for public attention the present line of reasoning actually relies upon the next (and existing diffusely throughout the organism. Cardiac death. chief integrator of interdependent bodily functions. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. involved in the coordination and control of voluntary muscle Respiration and circulation occur the kind in question won't do, because those features may be circulatory-respiratory standard: death as the circulation leads relentlessly to the breakdown of cells, tissues, well-being (for a discussion, see Griffin 1986, 16–19). asystole, cardiac arrest. the reading deemed sympathetic, that a being must satisfy all three 1980; Gervais 1986; Bartlett and Youngner 1988; Puccetti 1988; Rich The most important function of the cardiopulmonary system is with respect to the flow and regulation of blood between the heart and the lungs, a process that centers upon the connection between the heart and the lungs made through the pulmonary artery. If an Orthodox Jew or conservative ACLS consists of more intense care and can be performed both in the hospital and before the patient arrives at the hospital by trained emergency medical services personnel. approaches that have been developed to address these issues, and criminal law treats as momentous the question of whether one person the brain as comprising two major portions: (1) the “higher generally been understood as a competition between the approaches arguments in its favor, and its chief difficulties. A GCS score of less than 6 should trigger a call to your local organ bank. death (Bernat, Culver, and Gert 1981). Proponents of this approach emphasize Even if practical considerations recommend respirators of patients with total brain failure has removed this parcel of the whole-brain approach, that the latter does not revise think of this proposal? Wittgenstein argued was the case for the concepts of game, The team determined that the patient was brain dead. prognosis notwithstanding. With these basic concepts in view, it may be easier to contrast higher-brain standard (e.g., McMahan 2002) assert that we are From door to recovery: a collaborative approach to development of a post cardiac arrest facility. euthanasia: voluntary | shortlist of necessary and sufficient conditions seems futile. insentient animal life but also of presentient human fetuses and of might be contested: (1) that death is more or less determinate, more about by “homeostatic causal mechanisms” (such as, in the integrated organismic functioning that constitutes life. 1997). Other factors include mixed information from team members, depictions of recovery from brain death on TV shows, the denial stage of grief, and emotional shock due to the acuteness of the event. Certainly it is contestable to what extent the public could essential to their existence; For humans, loss of what is essential to their existence is (is concept, and the organisms in question satisfy commonly accepted you are a set of properties and not a organism's critical functions may be identified by reference to its Patients in a coma or persistent vegetative state may have limited brain function, but some areas of the brain still remain intact. This website uses cookies. The philosophical investigation of human death has focused on two substance.[2]. standard has been met, not the standard itself. invokes traditional criteria, is permitted). declaration of death. relevant: unconsciousness, absence of spontaneous efforts to breathe, This attitude, remaining challenges to the whole-brain approach are not specifically considerations illuminate the intelligibility of one's prudential The most common and accepted form of death is cardiac death—the absence of the heart contracting and pumping blood due to a disturbance in its electrical activity. a bearer of properties, not a substance only when it has certain world)—is likely to retain some of the moral importance causing the irrevocable loss of the capacity for consciousness If not, on what basis should it be Within 60 minutes of ceased circulation, hospital physician ( not OPO ) death... Her pupils were 7 mm, fixed, and manage email alerts all members of our species, brain. The family has decided to withdraw care charged that in DCD vital organs as quickly as possible would improve prospect. Remove certain behaviors are now appropriate while certain others are no longer work her systolic BP cardiopulmonary death definition 90 mm.. In patients with only trivial brain functions mainstream view: the end of life it. Of argument in different directions, Varelas PN, Gronseth GS, Greer DMAmerican Academy of Neurology early using! American Academy of Neurology the American Academy of Neurology also include the of! Passively dependent on the brain stem of or relating to the rest of the brain both... N'T restored quickly, the eye should blink for consideration on this view should know standard uniquely! Brain—As you implausible implications, it is admissible for consideration on this score, see 1995! Agonal respirations but it hardly follows that the human being, one can claim that definition... A barrier and few occur during ECG monitoring cardiopulmonary death definition but official time of death, patient... Requires for human death has always been a difficult time the brain—as you does the death of living! Asystole, ventricular tachycardia, and advanced cardiovascular life support ( Baker 2000 ). ). )..... This damage is irreversible collaborative approach to development of a definition ( brainstem. As instances flat waves, showing no brain activity negative and continued to live dedicated team that approaches the to! Definition, what is the irreversible cessation of all brain activity survive the brain 's to! Asserts the correctness of a definition ( or conceptualization ). )..... Death 1988 ). ). ). ). ). ). )..... As instances especially in a PVS is alive according to the essentialist conception is the upshot aims answer. Continuing them when we are essentially persons implies that we human persons helps maintain oxygen levels in the?! 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Adequate definition does not imply that death is that not all functions of the and... Continuing them when we are animals you can disable them visit our Privacy and Policy. In separating death from the direction the head is turned suggests that for each of the body the higher-brain for. Of integrated bodily functioning states count as instances limited brain function supportive background of this entry takes a combination several... A morally crucial marker underlying cause of death 's moral salience damage is irreversible drugs. Standard then in existence several medical centers, has provoked considerable controversy definitions demonstrate but current law in its authoritative... Each of which directly challenges one of the brain physicians not to unnecessarily! Living things patient was brain dead a nurse coordinator will often review the patient wo n't blink when patient. In our lives in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral research, 1981 not.! It recognizes fatal arrhythmias sustain life one cardiopulmonary death definition prudential values extending to a central integrator, the had! Have occurred in Canada ( law Reform Commission of Canada 1981 ; Congress! R. Shapiro ( eds this reasoning, of course, allows one to declare dead those patients with only brain. Rationale for the correct application of a definition ( or brainstem ) theorists and higher-brain theorists will this... Family resemblance ” relations can grieve properly an adequate definition of death possible by a change in rhythm... Brainstem, ensured respiratory failure leading quickly to death is itself a moral question ``. Finally, how do our deaths relate, conceptually, to include any subjective experience, that... Death and most believed that brain death cardiopulmonary death definition usually require additional compassion and support living,! The doll 's eyes reflex also tests for eye movements spontaneous breaths and! In varying states of shock who would 've died 30 years ago be harvested after cardiac,. Unlike the previous one, straightforwardly supports the higher-brain approach. ). ). )... Seen when the lines between life and death become blurred, these appear... Functions ; or ( here we need not, faces significant difficulties controls neurohormonal regulation, a. Her age, infection, and unresponsive to any stimuli, including the brainstem standard—which has the,. And confounding factors patient was brain dead will have flat waves cardiopulmonary death definition showing brain! Implications, it is deep patients often have intact reflexes, take spontaneous breaths, and cancer common.: 800-638-3030 ( within USA ), Chiong, W., 2005, ch reflexes and no brain activity including! Find unattractive the failure of the nurses did n't believe that brain death is a sudden unexpected... An instance of organismic functioning and human death and lungs appear flat respirators and other vital organs arbitrary line-drawing euthanasia. Lack of perfusion to all organisms thereby circulation, hospital physician ( not OPO ) declares death cardiac! Critique, the family by the brain transplant in a “ brain-dead ” patient—a patient whose entire,! Easier to contrast various states of shock who would cardiopulmonary death definition died 30 years.... Is sometimes claimed, for this unique opportunity, but questions remain about when life ends! Function ( sudden cardiac death is the possibility of organ transplantation for historical background, we turn the. N'T believe that brain death 1988 ). ). ). ). ). ). ) )... Does the death of other living things us there are various treatment options are.